I use OCR pretty extensively. On Linux, I've written a short script that lets me draw boxes on the screen, and the contents get screenshotted and sent to tessaract, then to espeak. I can also do the current window, etc, and I write a little script to constantly scan and read the screen for trying to play some games, though I don't use it that often.

On Windows, I combined a utility called Capture2Text with a tool that scans the clipboard, TextAloud, to do something similar. I just set up TextAloud to read aloud any clipboard updates, and set Capture2Text to dump the results of OCR to the clipboard, and the tools work very well together. I got through a number of games such as Disco Elysium with this technique. I do have some limited low vision, though, that lets me draw boxes around blobs on the screen.

I've been working more with neural networks lately and I think they might have some applications for OCR, since they might be able to do the part where the block of text is identified. I've noticed that OCR tends to fail if the box isn't drawn tightly around the text before being sent to tessaract.

In case it's useful to anyone, here's a link to the short script to OCR text on Linux. You need tessaract, espeak, and gnome-screenshot on your path.
